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david wilson Designer

User Name: woodwaker
3D Printing since: March 2019
Retired computer engineer. I have been a maker since birth, (before it was a thing). I have a degree in computer science and have learned a number of languages that are now considered ancient, Fortran, Cobol, BAL, DEC PDP 8 assembly, etc. I have been teaching my self maker applications for laser
Retired computer engineer. I have been a maker since birth, (before it was a thing). I have a degree in computer science and have learned a number of languages that are now considered ancient, Fortran, Cobol, BAL, DEC PDP 8 assembly, etc. I have been teaching my self maker applications for laser engraver, CNC and now 3 D printers. I have become familiar with Tinkercad and now learning Fusion 360.
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