choschiba Designer Verified Curator

Nombre de usuario: choschiba
Imprimiendo en 3D desde: February 2017
Recently I have built myself a Delta printer from a kit. It's a RenRen3D Flash Pro. I'm so proud I have got it done successfully, as Delta printers aren't easy to set up. I am very, very happy with the print quality! I am still a beginner when it comes to designing. But I'm eager to learn as much as
Recently I have built myself a Delta printer from a kit. It's a RenRen3D Flash Pro. I'm so proud I have got it done successfully, as Delta printers aren't easy to set up. I am very, very happy with the print quality! I am still a beginner when it comes to designing. But I'm eager to learn as much as I can. I am also very interested in scanning, but can't afford a really good scanner.
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